Denim Day 2023: Why We Wear Denim on April 26
Here at Lifestyles, it brings us great fulfillment to highlight the causes near and dear to our hearts. Each April, our team wears denim to bring awareness to Denim Day. If you haven't yet heard of this meaningful campaign, read on.
What is Denim Day?
Denim Day is a campaign on a Wednesday each April in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The campaign began after a ruling by the Italian Supreme Court where an assault convict's conviction was overturned because the justices felt the victim's tight jeans implied consent.

Who founded Denim Day?
Patricia Giggans, Executive Director of the Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women (now Peace Over Violence), established Denim Day in Los Angeles in 1999.
Patricia Giggans, Executive Director of Peace Over Violence
How to Shop Support for Denim Day 2023
Bringing awareness to this worthy cause is a wonderful place to start! Join us this Wednesday, April 26th, as we partner with Wellspring and other local businesses, in wearing denim.
If your budget allows, donations to Peace Over Violence and/or Wellspring are also a wonderful option.
Donations to Peace Over Violence support services for sexual assault survivors including free counseling, hospital accompaniments and advocacy, support groups, legal services, and our 24-hour hotline.
Wellspring is a local organization the domestic violence and sexual assault services resource for Saratoga County. Wellspring’s mission is to support survivors and engage our community to end physical and sexual abuse. Your donation supports emergency shelter, a 24-hour phone hotline, counseling, legal advocacy, housing assistance, and so much more.